We are a community of people, volunteering together to support the development of art and artists. Our community consists of Trustees, artists, supporters, space donors, local volunteers and designers. If you want to be involved in ArtSquat, contact us and we’ll be in touch.
Meet our Trustees

Helen Gillespie Brown
Chair and Founder of ArtSquat
Helen founded ArtSquat in 2018, with the aim of enabling artists on low income and charitable groups to exhibit and sell their work in available local space. She is passionate about encouraging local talent through community based art. Helen is a qualified social worker, with a specific interest in mental health. She has spent many years working internationally in advocacy, disability rights, mental health and programme management. Helen is also on the board of directors for Ireland’s National Advocacy and Patient Advocacy Service and a project consultant for the Scottish Government funded programme Think Positive, which supports student mental health.
Diana Leat
Diana has held research and teaching posts at a variety of institutions world-wide including LSE, UCLA, Demos, Cass Business School, Deakin, Carnegie Trust, CPNS at QUT and The Rockefeller Archive Center, New York. She has published over 120 articles and books on philanthropy, social policy and cross sector relations. She was a trustee of the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fund and is on the boards of ArtSquat and the Blagrave Trust. Her latest book Philanthropic Foundations, Public Good and Public Policy is published by Palgrave Macmillan.

Anna Przybycien
Anna joined ArtSquat in 2023 and has a background in engaging artists in community programmes. She works for North Edinburgh Arts and is active about promoting access to art for all and dismantling barriers that prevent people from fulfilling their creative potential.
Axelle L’Hortalle
Axelle an avid artist who enjoys discovering and experimenting with materials and crafts. She graduated from Abertay University and the University of Edinburgh with a BA in Computer Arts and an MSc in Design and Digital Media. Keen to support ArtSquat with social media and design & digital skills, Axelle joined as a trustee in 2021.

We are always grateful for your help and contribution. Thank you to all those who have helped us!
If you would like to volunteer with us,